All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Councilmember requests a separate action on a specific item on the Consent Calendar. If an item is removed from the Consent Calendar, it will be discussed individually and acted upon separately. Unless otherwise directed by a member of the City Council, the vote on ordinance adoptions will reflect the prior action of each Councilmember when the ordinance was introduced. However, if a Councilmember is not present at the City Council meeting, their vote will be reflected as absent.
| 10.1 | Waiver of Reading
- Waive the reading in full of any and all Ordinances listed on this agenda and provide that they be read by title only.
| 10.2 | Warrant Register
- Ratify and approve the Voucher Lists dated 07/28/2023, 8/04/2023, and 08/11/2023, the Payroll Register/Other EFTs dated 07/25/2023, 08/02/2023, 08/03/2023, and 08/04/2023 and the Void Check Listing PE 7/31/2023 which have a total budgetary impact of $7,279,364.10.
| 10.3 | Treasurer's Report
- Receive and file the Treasurer’s Report as of July 31, 2023.
| 10.4 | Monthly Public Safety Reports
- Receive and file.
| 10.5 | Agreements with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and BLC Fleming LLC, for the Legado Development Storm Drain Facilities
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and BLC Fleming LLC, for the construction, ownership, operation, and maintenance of the Encanto Storm Drain, Stages 1 and 3; Chambers Avenue Storm Drain, Stage 1; Chambers Avenue Debris Basin; Rouse Road Storm Drain, Stages 2 through 4; Sherman Road Debris Basin, Sun City Channels, Stage 3; Sherman Road Storm Drain, Stage 1, Rouse Road Debris Basin; Pennywhistle Way Storm Drain, Stage 1; and Percussion Road Storm Drain, Stage 1; and
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and BLC Fleming LLC for the construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Chambers Avenue Lateral Storm Drain, Stage 1; Chambers Avenue Storm Drain, Stage 2; and Chambers Avenue Storm Drain, Stage 3; and
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and BLC Fleming LLC for the construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of the Encanto Storm Drain, Stage 2; and Pennywhistle Way Storm Drain, Stage 2.
| 10.6 | Agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District for Reimbursement Costs for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Local Roads AC Resurfacing Program
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an Interagency Reimbursement Agreement with Eastern Municipal Water District, and any future amendments thereof, for reimbursement of costs in an estimated amount of $202,000 related to the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Local Roads AC Resurfacing Program, Capital Improvement Project No. 24-19.
| 10.7 | Bid Award and Agreement with American Asphalt South, Inc. for Crack Sealing Services for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Slurry Seal Program Project, Pavement Management Program No. 24-01
- Award bid and authorize the City Manager to execute a Contractor Services Agreement with American Asphalt South, Inc. to perform Crack Seal services in various areas of the City for the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Slurry Seal Program Project, Pavement Management Program No. PMP 24-01, in an amount not-to-exceed $61,594.85.
| 10.8 | Central Park Amphitheater Construction Project, Capital Improvement Project Bid Rejection
- Reject all responsive bids submitted for the Central Park Amphitheater Construction Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP 19-15.
| 10.9 | Community Services Department, Landscape Architect Services On-Call Short List for Fiscal Years 2023-2028
- Approve the Community Services Department On-Call Short List for Landscape Architect Services for Fiscal Years 2023-2028; and
- Authorize the City Manager to approve future Master Agreements based on the approved On-Call Short List for Landscape Architects at the City’s discretion and contingent on availability of the corresponding budget.
| 10.10 | Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program Extension
- Adopt a resolution to extend the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program and service fees collected on behalf of the Riverside County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Service Authority until May 31, 2034.
| 10.11 | Memorandum of Understanding Between City of Menifee and County of Riverside to Enhance Communication and Development Project Coordination
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Menifee and the County of Riverside.
| 10.12 | Agreement with Airforce 1 Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc. for Facility HVAC Maintenance and Repair Services
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Contract Services Agreement with Airforce 1 Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2023/2024 facility HVAC maintenance and repair services in an amount not-to-exceed $41,016; and
- Authorize the City Manager to execute four, one-year extensions at the City’s discretion and contingent on availability of the corresponding budget; and
- Authorize the City Manager to execute additional amendments as needed to include maintenance services for future city facilities currently under construction, at the City’s discretion and contingent on availability of the corresponding budget.
| 10.13 | Notice of Completion and Acceptance for the Menifee Road Resurfacing Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 22-06
- Accept the improvements for the Menifee Road Resurfacing Project, Capital Improvement Project No. CIP 22-06; and
- Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder’s Office.
| 10.14 | Agreements with Mind and Mill LLC, Dynamic Video Communications, LLC, and Sebaz Video Productions, Inc. for On-Call Videography Services
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreements with Mind and Mill, LLC, Dynamic Video Communications, LLC, and Sebaz Video Productions Inc. for On-Call Videography Services in an amount not-to-exceed $25,000 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/2024 and $25,000 for FY 2024/2025; and
- Authorize the City Manager to approve three, one-year renewals in an amount not-to-exceed $25,000 annually.
| 10.15 | Agreement Amendment with LEFTA Systems for Police Training Scheduling User Licenses and Scheduling Software
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Software License Agreement with LEFTA Systems for police training scheduling software and user licenses in the amount of $7,381.51, for a revised total contract amount not-to-exceed $45,972.01.
| 10.16 | Environmental Mitigation Credit Purchases from Riverpark Mitigation Bank for Capital Improvement Projects, Holland Road / I-215 Overcrossing and Bradley Road Bridge Over Salt Creek
- Authorize the City Manager to execute necessary documents and issue payment to Riverpark Mitigation Bank for the purchase of Environmental Mitigation Credits for the Holland Road / I-215 Overcrossing Project in an amount not to exceed $327,250 and the Bradley Road Bridge Over Salt Creek Project in an amount not to exceed $267,750
| 10.17 | Agreement Amendments with CivilPros and Anser Advisory Management, LLC for the Newport Road Raised Median and the Antelope/MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal Projects
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with CivilPros for the Newport Road Raised Median Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 22-14, to extend the agreement term through June 30, 2024; and
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Anser Advisory Management, LLC. for the Antelope/MSJC Entrance Traffic Signal Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 22-15 to extend the agreement term through December 31, 2023.
| 10.18 | Agreement with Rick Engineering Company for Development of the Citywide Bridge/Culvert Inventory Study
- Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Rick Engineering Company for the development of the Citywide Bridge/Culvert Inventory Study, Capital Improvement Program No. 24-14, in an amount not-to-exceed $228,638.
| 10.19 | Senate Bill 1205 Annual Compliance Report
- Adopt a resolution acknowledging receipt of a report regarding the inspection of certain occupancies requiring annual inspections pursuant to sections 13145, 13146, and 17921 of the California Health and Safety Code.